Monday, June 23, 2008

typing one handed

i'm typing this one handed because the other arm is occupied holding my nef-ew. (ahahaha, get it?)

as this is rather difficult, i will be done for now.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Art Camp is OVER! ...


... until next week, that is. But it is nice to not have to worry about it for the next couple days because it has been quite the project. I knew beforehand that it was going to be a big projcet, but before I knew and now I know, you know?

Its been a bit more of a project than I was planning on because... I'm an aunt now! Mom went off to be Grandma, so I'm here being mom. Being mom AND art teacher both can be a bit crazy... but I'm still alive ;).

Caleb Michael Nef was born June 11, 2008, 5:30 pm. He was 6 pounds 14 ounces (ish? less sure of this one) and... isn't he absolutely darling?


Proud momma

Open eyes

And... lets see if this actually works... a video!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Kids art projects

Today was officially the first day of doing art projects with little kids. Six of them (Little Kids, not art projects).

It was fun. And hectic. I think I got the timing about right, though... if I wanted the kids to sit and paint much longer than they did I think there would have been a mutiny. As it was, however, they were pretty well behaved, and payed attention up until the last little bit. Tomorrow I think I'll want to make the opening activity take a bit longer... that should help.

But now I'd like some food (I had cereal for breakfast and a bagel for lunch and thats about all I ate today... I'm bad at remembering to eat when I'm busy). And then I need to call my art teacher so I can drive her some herbs... then I think I'm going to go down to bed to just sit and read.